Yoga and Beyond

Tuesday 7 September 2021

Today, 3 years ago, one of the fundamental books in Auroville's history! - by Aryadeep S. Acharya

This morning, a fellow-Aurovilian surprised me by sending a photo of the book release function of "Dear Aurovilians - Inspiration from Karan Singh's Auroville Collaboration". I was aware that the book which I had the honour and joy to work on, was released by then Podicherry Lt. Governor Kiran Bedi on September 2018 but did not recall that it was 7th September. Here is the photo.



Soon after the function, Karan Singh wrote to me from Delhi on  Sep 14, 2018, 9:31 AM :

"Dear Aryadeep, On my return to Delhi I hasten to thank you warmly for all the trouble you took to produce the beautiful book Dear Aurovilians.  Everyone to whom I have given a copy are full of praise for the contents as well as the presentation.  I am sending a copy to the Prime Minister today because you were able to include his visit also.

I do greatly appreciate the energy and affection that you put into this book, ably assisted by Angshuman Basu and other friends.  I am sure Aurovillians will enjoy this as part of Auroville’s institutional memory.

Incidentally, I learnt that a grant for this book was met out of the Golden Jubilee publications grant.  As I am not comfortable with money being spent for this purpose from the Auroville Fund, I am reimbursing this to the Foundation, alongwith a personal donation of Rs. 5 lakhs for Matrimandir.

With warm regards, Karan Singh


When I gifted the book to Marco Feira (of Auroville Art Service), he


wrote back 


"It is one of the fundamental books in Auroville's history".




You can listen the programme on Auroville Radio here.


You can see the video of the book release function here.


Notice how in her speech Kiran Bedi puts forth so many ideas and


vision for the development of Auroville. 




The book would not have been possible without the cooperation of many individuals. It was Carel who made selections from past issues of Auroville Today and from the old  files of the Working Committee. It was Anshuman Basu who came and gave me that content to work on,  to add, to organise, to introduce. It was (late) Giorgio who read my appeal on Auronet and invited me to collect photos from his vast collections. Ireno sent a masterly photo of Karan Singh in the Foundation office which appears before the start of the book. Marco Saroldi, another photographer of Auroville too supplied the photos of Karneshwar Nataraja Temple Karan Singh got built near Kalapet (Auroville) through Satprem of the Earth Institute.  A man from the Ashram Archives sent me many photos of Karan Singh's early visits to Ashram before and soon after the founding of Auroville. Frederick and Jai Singh and others gave their interview for the book. Others wrote their reminiscences. My A4A colleagues and Larry Seidlitz and Jill Navarre did the proof-reading.

Janardhana of PRISMA was very tolerant with my many changes, sometimes even last minute changes in the text or the arrangement of the content.  In spite of all this, today if I have to bring out a new edition of the book, I see the need to make many changes: many corrections, to add several new things including Alain Grandcolas' two beautiful reminiscences of Karan Singh and Suhasini's experience of a help she received from Karan Singh when she was stuck at an airport. 



The book is free from Aurovilians & newcomers (just like Sri Aurobindo's and the Mother's big volume of photos were offered free by Micheal Bonke). If you would like to have a copy, please pass by Land Board office and ask the secretary Jothi. If you  cannot come to Town Hall, please send an email to me ( with your community name and I will arrange to send the book to you.

Monday 21 June 2021

Sharing one's practice on International Day of Yoga in Auroville by Aryadeep S. Acharya

 To Auroville Foundation

Subject: In response to WC's call for sharing one's practice on International Day of Yoga in Auroville

First and most important thing is: Not to do this practice with the idea of getting something. In other words -  Not to think in terms of benefits. It is like what the Mother, Sri Aurobindo's colleague and co-worker,  said  to the effect of repeating Mantra. Repeat your mantra for the joy of it, for the love of it. The idea  of the result,  of getting something out of it spoils everything.

Secondly, just as the saying goes, "Practice makes a man perfect". Similarly, with time, with persistence, your imagination will become more vivid and rich. 


Third, don't force yourself for any of the asana. I have indicated the time you can give to each asana to begin with and grandually increase. 


I call my practice Kalpana Shakti Yoga. (Power of Imagination Yoga)


Body postures facilitate formation and strengthening of certain images which are in consonance with the aim of yoga. The body, too, participates in the practice. Hence, the effect is more solid. Did not the Mother said towards  the end of her extraordinary life-long spiritual exploration - "Salvation is physical."


My ten postures - Asana, my name for each of them and the images they facilitate and strengthen and solidify. 




Imagination : Ascent to Truth,  Advance on the upward path, Climbing the hill of consciousness


Start with 2 minutes and grandually increase to 5 minutes.

After the asana, practice 1:12 minutes an image of loose unfolded cloth in the bed (meaning relexation)







Airplane determined to land on new lands – Divine Geography


Start with 2 minutes and grandually increase to 5 minutes.

After the asana, practice 1:12 minutes an image of loose unfolded cloth in the bed (meaning relexation)







Rising in New Ether – Tree reaching out for light

Start with 2 minutes and grandually increase to 5 minutes. After the asana, practice 1:12 minutes of image of loose unfolded cloth in the bed (meaning relexation)






1) Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future. Taking advantage of all discoveries from without and from within, Auroville will boldly spring towards future realisations.


2) Ekalavya practicing archery in the forest

Start with 1 minutes and grandually increase to 5 minutes. Please don't force yourself. You can break down 5 minutes into 3 or 4 times.

After the asana, practice 1:12 minutes of image of loose unfolded cloth in the bed (meaning relexation)







A ship, a cruiser advancing towards new continents

Start with 2 minutes and grandually increase to 5 minutes. 

After the asana, practice 1:12 minutes an image of loose unfolded cloth in the bed (meaning relexation)






 A Raft resolute in the ocean advancing through all obstacle and all weather

 2 minutes followed by relaxation for 1:12 minutes. Then again for 2 minutes followed by relaxation. Total 4 times.






Rising in the New Light through CCAPP (current, coming, aspects, people, projects)

Start with 2 minutes and grandually increase to 5 minutes. 

After the asana, practice 1:12 minutes an image of loose unfolded cloth in the bed (meaning relexation)







Druv – Tapasya in Forest

 2:29 minutes for left leg stading, then 2:29 Right leg standing. No need for follow up relaxation 





Ships Compass pointing to new lands

2:29 minutes left side leg, 2:29 minutes Right side leg, No need for follow up relaxation




“His will a hunter in the trails of light” (Savitri)

2:29 minutes left side leg, 2:29 mintues right side leg, No need for follow up relaxation 






Merging (in the consciousness or Mother, Divine, Infinite) along with
CCAPP - all issues of life 

Four minutes left leg, four righ leg, four both the legs, No need for follow up relaxation







Eternity’s sphinx looking new creation, the Gnostic Society

Start with 2 minutes on left and then right side and gradully increse to five minutes. 

No need for follow up relaxation






Mansion of light and incredible fast vibrations on new continent

Start with 15 seconds and gradually increase to 45 seconds. Four times.

Each time, 1:15 minutes of relaxation



Grand final Asana



Friday 11 June 2021

A Letter to a friend signifying who Sri Aurobindo was - by Aju Mukhopadhyay

          A casual remark by a newly acquainted intellectual friend of Kolkata at Coffee House round table meet after many years on a Sunday, “Oh, Rishi Arabinda! He would have been hanged if C R Das didn’t plead for him and the matter would have ended. Why, he was first to create violence in Bengal.” elicited the following letter to him after some days

     Actually we were not old friends but we met through common friends. Such remarks from intellectuals are sometimes heard about him so I didn’t pay much attention at that moment, others mightn’t have heard at all. But the fact is, it went very deep in me and gnawed at my heart as I love Sri Aurobindo. Your remarks might have been uttered just casually like uttering such words as, “He escaped at a crucial moment of the Independence Movement when his presence was very required”, etc.

     I haven’t forgotten, may be because it was uttered by you, an intellectual with a long academic and journalistic career but such remarks are usually shallow without full understanding of facts, without a common knowledge of who Sri Aurobindo was!

     It is an irony that he was active in open politics only for five years in Bengal. But by his presence and activities for a short while he left an indelible impression of his personality and influence on the then public,  he pioneered the thoughts and actions of the Independence Movement for decades. He edited two papers in English; daily and weekly, and one weekly in Bengali with such courageous tone and dignity, such deftness and dexterity of language; with or without mention of his name as editor, that the British knowing full well could not charge him for long. When they charged him later for sedition for quite a few times desperately, he came out unscathed each time without entering their snare before and after the Alipore trial when great C R Das took charge of the case.

      When he was charged for one of his writing in Bande Mataram, for sedition for the first time, he resigned from the post of the Principal of the National College but was released without any charge proved against him. Rabindranath Tagore, eleven years elder to him, came to him at his place of stay at Raja Subodh Mullick’s residence and greeted him with his poem “Namaskar”, beginning with “Arobindo Rabindrer laha namaskar!” Tagore met him again long after that 1907, in 1928, at Pondicherry and was astounded observing his face and was impressed that Sri Aurobindo carried the divine in him. He wrote an article on it.  This is to impress that he was a man above usual man, not to be so casually dispensed with light remarks.

     Das was his friend in England when a student. While in Pondicherry quite later Sri Aurobindo was engaged in yoga but had little money to carry on with his disciples. He was again helped by his friend, Chitta, who paid him rupees one thousand as remuneration for translation of his poem, “Sagar Sangeet”.

     After many night-labours and many days pleading the concluding remarks of the God inspired Barrister C.R. Das’s speech while pleading for Aurobindo Ghose was,: “Therefore I say, that the man standing before the bar of this court is standing before the bar of the high court of history, that long after this turmoil is hushed in silence, long after he is dead and gone, he will be considered as the Prophet of Patriotism, Father of Nationalism and Lover of Humanity.”

     Yes, the man standing there before the bar was a God realized, transformed person due to his rigorous sadhana in jail and before, The future Yogi, Sri Aurobindo, was standing before the bar in the presence of the presiding Judge, Charles Porton Beachcroft.   

     At his time very few were there in India who could write English like him. He later created the largest epic in English, Savitri, which was one of the twelve largest works in world literature. He wrote more than 50000 lines of poetry besides other prose works. His vision of life divine was so lofty that forgetting his revolutionary role, the British paper “Times” came out with great appreciation in favour of The Life Divine; a creation which gives great hopes for man in the unknown future in contrast to the hellish presentation of the communist world to the contemporaries, two diabolic dark personalities like Stalin and Mao-Ze-dong whose contribution to the mankind is best remembered by their victims.

     In Bengal it seems that he is more known as Rishi, not known in what exact sense. In other states he is more respected and known as Sri Aurobindo. Aurobindo Ghose was the first to have claimed full freedom, Purna Swaraj, from the British yoke as early as in 1906-07. Long before Gandhi Sri Aurbindo called for boycott and non-cooperation, passive resistance and independent Indian education system, etc. He became the first Principal of the first National College in India.  For his active leadership beyond their control the British considered him as the most ‘Dangerous Man’ in India. While he was incarcerated in Alipore jail British Parliament was engaged for a full day discussing about his arrest and it continued beyond one day. His support was Sir Ramsay Mcdonald, once a British Prime Minister who had interviewed Sri Aurobindo earlier. Please excuse me, with knowledge and mastery over half a dozen European languages and half a dozen Indian languages, with new interpretation of the oldest available Scripture, Vedas and mastery over Sanskrit, Greek and Latin, he was like father to most of the intellectuals of his time, yet he cared little for intellect. He received words spontaneously from the heaven in his pen; he was a giant in the Intuitive and Overmental world. He not only created mystic poetry but simple poems also, touching the common man and society.

     I  have written this in a single flow as if inspired by my feeling and interest on the subject. I have books on him and on the Mother; I have translated them and have a book of poems on them only. If you feel interested, we can go more, if you don’t it won’t go. I am happy to have cleared my heart of an oppressed feeling, I am happy to have made efforts to let you know that he was such a Himalayan entity that no dwarf can reach him really without a spiritual width and depth.

     Though he tried, made all efforts to remain in politics, edited papers, wrote and gave speeches after he was released, without any charge against proved, from the Alipore Jail and Court, he could not continue. Government’s pressure was immensely increasing to arrest him in any way and serve the final blow to finish all their future deals with him. It was a long and arduous struggle, more in his inner life than outwardly. As in his Uttarpara Speech he said on 30. 5. 1909 that God was his only guide and that He had wished him to do his work, meaning work of inner Yoga to reach him, he could not stay in turbulent political life; on one hand chased by the British Raj and on other hand his inner being was unwilling to continue in the same way, Finally he, throwing dust in the eyes of the police, reached the French India, Pondicherry, never again to return contrary to expectations, and plunged in the deepest water of yoga.

     While the case had still been going pending judgment, when his co-prisoners asked him about the result, he said that he would be freed. When, after the verdict was given to hang Barindra Kumar Ghose and Ullaskar Dutta to death, he said to his brother, Barindra, that he would not be hanged. After sometime when the two to be hanged appealed to the High Court, their punishments were commuted to life imprisonment in Andaman jail with some others. Sri Aurobindo knew of the results.

© Aju Mukhopadhyay, 2020/21 

     Here is a poem from my book, "Poems on Sri Aurobindo and the Mother"

                                           Sri Aurobindo

“God shall grow up while the wise men talk and sleep

For man shall not know the coming till its hour

And belief shall be not till the work is done”-

said Sri Aurobindo in his epic poem Savitri.


The voice of truth in the seer poet Sri Aurobindo was heard

As he was a lotus born in mud, away from the mundane scene,

The cascading Supramental light like the golden swan

Touching the sky kept its foot on earth fixed.


Like a tree he was peaceful, unhurried and calm with perseverance

Among the thousand resounding words his existence was silence

In his body sat the God, his face revealed the eternity

Out of intense love for men he sat away from humanity.


Small fries in shallow water and surface-gazers

were lost in the depth of his fathomless water.

© Aju Mukhopadhyay, 2020

The Mother of Pondicherry


Hardly her birthday was celebrated;

Keeping the celebration of the centenary   

Of Mother’s permanent coming to Pondicherry 

Pending for the next April twenty-fourth

Vicious Corona Viruses Began their Reign

Signaling almost an end of it after a year;

Visit to their last Earthly Abode including her room

Is still a taboo

Hush hush silence, barricade and boundary remains

We haven’t visited them for more than a year hence!

Nature has given a signal in the meantime; 

There was torrential rain on her next birthday

From the early hours before the dawn

Until noon without a respite soon

On Twenty-first February 2021;

Such rains unprecedented drowning the Sun  

Never happened in Pondicherry

On such a date

In such a manner

Restricting further her Restricted Birthday affair,

From the beginning of her Coming

Till the end of her Ministry

Even up to date;

But the issue is neither local nor temporal

Not to be decided by the Nature solely;

It is in the infinity in the eternity

Where things shall take shape

Events be reshaped

It is in the realm of the Mother’s Divinity

Where the future shall be molded;

We wait


© Aju Mukhopadhyay, 2021



Today, 3 years ago, one of the fundamental books in Auroville's history! - by Aryadeep S. Acharya

This morning, a fellow-Aurovilian surprised me by sending a photo of the book release function of  "Dear Aurovilians - Inspiration from...